ARGALYS : votre partenaire pour la création de compléments alimentaires fabriqués en France.
ARGALYS: your partner for the creation of food supplements made in France.
The development of food supplements under private labels has been our main activity since our creation in 2001.
La Spiruline pour lutter contre la malnutrition
Spirulina to fight against malnutrition
Discover Antenna France: The association that fights against malnutrition thanks to Spirulina and its benefits.
Muscles & protéines : Quelles réponses pour les Vegans, Végétariens, Flexitariens ?
Muscles & proteins: What answers for Vegans, Vegetarians, Flexitarians?
Here are the essential concepts to know your muscles, proteins and adapt your programs.
Etre sportif et vegan : c'est possible
Being sporty and vegan: it's possible
Being sporty when you're vegan, vegan or vegetarian, it's possible. Discover the testimonials of two accomplished athletes and their advice.
Les bases nutritionnelles pour la pratique sportive : macronutriments et micronutriments
The nutritional bases for sports practice: macronutrients and micronutrients
Discover the nutritional basics. To understand everything about macronutrients: proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and micronutrients.
Mes bonnes adresses vegan et éthiques à Bordeaux : le guide
My good vegan and ethical addresses in Bordeaux: the guide
A Bordeaux resident for several years, Héloïse has prepared a guide to the best vegan, vegetarian and ethical addresses in the city.
Du quinoa français produit en Champagne
French quinoa produced in Champagne
Discover Grains de nature, a brand of quinoa produced in France. We will tell you everything about quinoa, its culture, its benefits and how to cook it.
L'interview de La Fée Biscotte, maman, blogueuse et entrepreneuse
Coup de coeur
Interview with La Fée Biscotte, mother, blogger and entrepreneur
Discover the interview of La Fée Biscotte, mother, blogger and entrepreneur.
Guide pour Vegan débutant
Beginner's Guide for Vegans
Find Héloïse's advice and tips for starting a vegan or vegetarian diet. Vitamin B12, readings and cosmetics, you will know everything!
Paola Borde, le chic des sacs vegan Made in France
Paola Borde, the chic of vegan bags Made in France
Discover the Paola Borde bags, vegan, ethical and Made in France bags! Our favorite of the month!
Zéro déchet et recyclage, les conseils de Caillou
Coup de coeur
Zero waste and recycling, advice from Caillou
Thanks to Camille, get advice on sorting habits and how to reduce your ecological footprint.
14 astuces cuisine économiques et antigaspi
14 economical and waste-preventing kitchen tips
Discover some cooking tips to save money and reduce our impact on the environment
Les conseils et informations indispensables pour mieux appréhender votre jeûne.
Essential advice and information to better understand your fast.
Understand the mechanisms and interest of fasting for a reasonable and useful practice.
The Vegetarian society : la plus ancienne association végétarienne mondiale
The Vegetarian society: the oldest vegetarian association in the world
Vegan-Essentiels by Argalys has obtained Vegan certification by The Vegetarian Society. Discover the oldest vegetarian association in the world.
La gamme Argalys Essentiels
The Argalys Essentials range
For 17 years Argalys has been designing targeted food supplements on behalf of international distributors. It is with an innovative and practical spirit that we have developed the Argalys Essent...
Pourquoi veiller à ne pas manquer de calcium ?
Why make sure you don't lack calcium?
Role of calcium in the body Responses on Calcium Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, about 1 to 1.2 kg in adults. 99% of this calcium contributes to the formation and strength o...