Qu’est-ce que la Kératine ? Une protéine indispensable à la beauté des cheveux
Conseils beauté
What is Keratin? An essential protein for hair beauty
Our hair has exceptional properties that are often overlooked. But did you know that behind their qualities hides keratin?
L’efficacité du Palmier nain sur la chute de cheveux
Conseils beauté
The effectiveness of saw palmetto on hair loss
Whether it occurs in men or women, excessive hair loss can be a source of complexes or stress for those affected. Although its origin can be linked to many factors, in the majority of cases it is a...
Quelles sont les meilleures vitamines pour les cheveux ?
Conseils beauté
What are the best vitamins for hair?
Several micronutrients are essential for healthy hair: minerals, amino acids, vitamins. In this article we detail the role of vitamins on the vitality and resistance of our hair.
LAO : la jeune marque qui redéfinit le cheveu au naturel
Conseils beauté
LAO: the young brand redefining natural hair
In this new “favourite” article, we decided to find out a little more about Lao and its founder: Lisa Schino!