Quels sont les bienfaits de la vitamine H ?
What are the benefits of vitamin H?
Biotin or vitamin B8 is one of those essential nutrients for good daily health. But do you know what is the role of vitamin B8?
La vitamine B5 : propriétés, bienfaits et carence
Vitamin B5: properties, benefits and deficiency
Nicknamed “anti-stress vitamin”, vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, is also well known for its restorative action on the skin and hair.
La vitamine A : quels sont les bienfaits et le rôle de la vitamine A ?
Vitamin A: what are the benefits and role of vitamin A?
Vitamin A or retinol is an essential nutrient for good daily health, although its role is often overlooked.
Les aliments Ultra-transformés : que risque-t-on à les consommer ?
Ultra-processed foods: what are the risks of eating them?
Ultra-processed foods are everywhere and represent more than 50% of products sold in supermarkets!
Le Sélénium, un antioxydant aux nombreux bienfaits
Selenium, an antioxidant with many benefits
Selenium is an essential trace element for the body. In this article we will answer the main questions about it
La vitamine B6 ou pyridoxine : rôles, bienfaits et carence
Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine: roles, benefits and deficiency
Less known than other B vitamins, such as B12 or B9, vitamin B6 is nonetheless a so-called "essential" vitamin for the body.
Magnésium et Vitamine B6 : l'association idéale
Magnesium and Vitamin B6: the ideal combination
Magnesium and vitamin B6 are two essential elements for the proper functioning of our body and for good health. But do you know why these two active ingredients are often combined in the same capsu...
Les bienfaits des Oméga 3 et du DHA pour l'immunité
The benefits of Omega 3 and DHA for immunity
Omega 3 have many benefits and more recently, DHA and EPA have been the subject of several studies which have highlighted their impact on the immune system.
LAO : la jeune marque qui redéfinit le cheveu au naturel
Conseils beauté
LAO: the young brand redefining natural hair
In this new “favourite” article, we decided to find out a little more about Lao and its founder: Lisa Schino!
intestin irritable
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and FODMAPs
In Western countries, irritable bowel syndrome affects 4 to 15% of populations, but its origin remains difficult to determine.
Vitamine B9 et B12 : leur importance chez les femmes ménopausées
Conseils bien-être
Vitamin B9 and B12: their importance in postmenopausal women
Vitamins B9 and B12 are essential for good daily health. They are even more so at the time of menopause.
La Vitamine D chez l'enfant et le nourrisson
Vitamin D in children and infants
Whether in adults or children, vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the body. However, for parents, it is not always easy to navigate.
Les bienfaits du calcium chez les sportifs
Conseils bien-être
The benefits of calcium in athletes
In this article, we will take stock of the benefits of calcium in general, but particularly its role and importance in athletes.
Quels sont les bienfaits et les propriétés de l'iode ?
What are the benefits and properties of iodine?
Iodine is only present in the human body in trace amounts. However, its importance is great for the proper functioning of the body because it is involved in many metabolic reactions.
Ravitailler, reconstruire et réhydrater : Les 5 minéraux essentiels à la pratique sportive
Conseils bien-être
Refuel, rebuild and rehydrate: The 5 essential minerals for sports practice
Minerals such as iron, zinc, and magnesium are important contributors to peak physical and cognitive athletic performance in multiple biological systems.
Connaissez-vous les bienfaits des oligo-éléments ?
Do you know the benefits of trace elements?
Trace elements are essential for good daily health. but what are their benefits?
Tout savoir sur la vitamine K : rôle, bienfaits et carence
All about vitamin K: role, benefits and deficiency
Vitamin K is not a star of micro-nutrition, yet it plays an essential role in the prevention of osteoporosis, the proper maintenance of cardiovascular tissues and of course in blood coagulation.
Le magnésium est-il le meilleur allié contre le stress ?
Conseils bien-être
Is magnesium the best ally against stress?
Many French people suffer from a magnesium deficiency, but what is the relationship between this mineral salt and stress?
La vitamine B9 et folates : leur importance pendant la grossesse
Conseils bien-être
Vitamin B9 and folate: their importance during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a crucial period for the mother and the development of her future baby. During this phase, nutritional needs must be well monitored and some of them require additional intake.
Alimentation de l’enfant : les bons réflexes à adopter
Child feeding: the right reflexes to adopt
The growth period, from birth to adolescence, requires special dietary and nutritional attention.
L’importance du calcium pendant l’enfance
The importance of calcium during childhood
Calcium is an essential mineral for the growth and health of children. However, more and more young people show deficiencies.